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Fiduciary office Switzerland, in Zug

We offer many different services to our international clientele: Fiscal representation, VAT, domicile services, accounting, tax advice, company formation, HR and payroll processing, reporting and more.

Our small team offers short lines of communication and is always available to recognize your needs and provide solutions.

Arrange an online meeting or an appointment at our fiduciary office in Zug: 0041 711 99 57 

Fiduciary services in detail:

Fiscal representation

Foreign companies choose a fiscal representative vis-à-vis offices, tax authorities and the VAT office if the company does not have a branch in Switzerland. Currently, this mainly concerns companies that provide services in Switzerland and whose annual turnover exceeds the current threshold of CHF 100,000.

As a rule, an inventory is taken and then a registration is made. This involves checking whether or not the company is subject to VAT. We also advise you on optimizations, declarations of foreign participations and apply for a Swiss VAT number for your foreign company from the Swiss Federal Tax Administration. As a recurring service, we prepare your quarterly VAT statement, handle correspondence with the FTA and carry out any input tax corrections. Our services are charged on a time and material basis in accordance with our rates.

Management consulting

You have a question or a problem. AbaFin Treuhand AG in Zug has an answer, a solution or knows who can help you.

Manageent mandates, Member of the board

There are various reasons for an external board of directors

  • You want a board of directors in your company who is responsible for the organization of accounting, financial control and financial planning.

  • You live abroad and need an authorized signatory for your Swiss company who is domiciled in Switzerland.

  • Your name should not be associated with your company.


Contact AbaFin Treuhand AG, in Zug. Together we will find a solution.


The purpose of the company has been achieved. The business is to be discontinued. AbaFin Treuhand AG, Zug carries out the liquidation in a professional manner, either quietly or publicly.


If the liquidation work is not to be the responsibility of the Board of Directors, the General Meeting may appoint a liquidator.


AbaFin Treuhand AG, Zug, makes itself available as liquidator.

AbaFin Treuhand AG

Baarerstrasse 82,
Postfach 7436, 6302 Zug

Tel. 041 711 99 57

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Sie konzentrieren sich auf Ihre Kernkompetenzen, wir erledigen die uns von Ihnen übertragenen Aufgaben so, als ob wir für uns selbst handeln würden.


Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Unterstützung und Beratung von Einzel-personen und KMU.


Persönlich angepasste Lösungen lassen uns gemeinsam erfolgreich sein. Es muss für beide Partner stimmen.

Ihre Chance!

AbaFin Treuhand AG
Baarerstrasse 82
Postfach 7436
6302 Zug

Telefon: 041 711 99 57

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